基本解释 English (same as 渫) rolling billows, to get rid of; to scatter, muddy, to ooze ...
基本解释 English (same as 謝) faded and fallen -- as blossoms; withered ...
基本解释 English to stamp the foot forward, to walk, to stop ...
基本解释 English wing of a door ...
基本解释 English without a door; no family ...
基本解释 English the dresses toss and flying about in the wind, to shake; to toss, to wave, to scull; to r...
基本解释 English the very hard stuff, to sort out of divining stalks; (Cant.) to wedge in ...
基本解释 English water current; water flow ...
基本解释 English a river in ancient times; head of source from today's Henan Province Xinanxian; and flowi...
基本解释 English to shake; to rattle ...
基本解释 English water current, water flow ...
基本解释 English arid; dry; parched ...
基本解释 English name of a variety of grass, (same as U+5C5F 屧) the wooden sole of a shoe ...
基本解释 English name of a place in ancient times ...
基本解释 English to tie up hurriedly ...
基本解释 基本字义 㒠 xiè(ㄒ一ㄝˋ) ⒈ 狹隘。 ⒉ 迅速。 English narrow; contracted...
基本解释 基本字义 㵼 xiè(ㄒ一ㄝˋ) ⒈ 同“瀉”。 异体字 瀉 ...
基本解释 English to exile; to banish ...
基本解释 English to cut apart; to divide ...
基本解释 English (non-classical form of 汙 污) to stain; to mess up, dirty; filthy ...
基本解释 English (non-classcial form of 燮) to adapt; to adjust; to blend; to harmonize ...
基本解释 English name of a variety of bamboo ...
基本解释 English complaint; grudge; unjust ...
基本解释 English slips of bamboo provided for writing in ancient times ...
基本解释 English cracking of tile ...
基本解释 English a kind of edible mushroom ...
基本解释 基本字义 䪥 xiè(ㄒ一ㄝˋ) ⒈ 菜名。即蕌頭。 ⒉ 褊狹。 English shallo...
基本解释 基本字义 䲒 xiè(ㄒ一ㄝˋ) ⒈ 同“蟹”。又特指“鮦蟹”。 English (sam...