基本解释 基本字义 攜 xié(ㄒ一ㄝˊ) ⒈ 帶:攜手。攜帶。扶老攜幼。 ⒉ 離,叛...
基本解释 English a sound; a voice; a tone, an interjection; to hesitate; to harbour doubts ...
基本解释 基本字义 龤 xié(ㄒ一ㄝˊ) ⒈ 古同“谐”,乐声和谐。 English to harmoni...
基本解释 基本字义 㥟 xié(ㄒ一ㄝˊ) ⒈ 怨恨。 English enmity; animus; ill-will ...
基本解释 English to clasp or hold under the arm, to support; to prop up; to aid, to exchange; to alter, to...
基本解释 English a dike; a barrier; an embankment ...
基本解释 English a white colored cluster grown at the tip of cogongrass, a kind of plants of the mugwort o...
基本解释 基本字义 㙦 xié(ㄒ一ㄝˊ) ⒈ 地名用字。 统一码 㙦字UNICODE编码U+3666,...
基本解释 English sleeves, a piece of string; a ribbon; (shoe, boot, etc.) lace ...
基本解释 English (same as 搨) to take a rubbing of an inscription on stone, etc., (same as 拉) to pull; ...
基本解释 English to get up into a carriage ...
基本解释 English cakes ...
基本解释 English (corrupted form of 擷) to collect; to take up; to pick; to gether ...
基本解释 基本字义 㩦 xié(ㄒ一ㄝˊ) ⒈ 同“攜”。 English (same as 攜) to lead by the...
基本解释 基本字义 写(寫) xiě(ㄒ一ㄝˇ) ⒈ 用笔作字:写字。写作。编写。 ⒉...
基本解释 English name of a variety of grass; a second name for (葒草) polygonum orientale ...
基本解释 基本字义 血 xuè(ㄒㄩㄝˋ) ⒈ 人或动物体内循环系统的不透明液体,大...
基本解释 基本字义 冩 xiě(ㄒ一ㄝˇ) ⒈ 同“寫”。 English write; draw, sketch; compose...
基本解释 基本字义 寫 xiě(ㄒ一ㄝˇ) ⒈ 用筆作字:寫字。寫作。編寫。 ⒉ 描摹...
基本解释 基本字义 藛 xiě(ㄒ一ㄝˇ) ⒈ 〔泽藛〕同“泽泻”,一种草本植物,生...
基本解释 English (simplified form of U+4971 䥱) to melt or cast (metal) by using a mold; (non-classical f...
基本解释 English (simplified form of 寫) to write; to draw ...
基本解释 English inclined; slanting, to upset; to be overthrown, to collapse, to fall flat ...
基本解释 English to melt or cast (metal) by using a mould, (non-classical form of 寫) to write; to draw ...
基本解释 基本字义 谢(謝) xiè(ㄒ一ㄝˋ) ⒈ 对别人的帮助或赠与表示感激:谢...
基本解释 基本字义 泄 xiè(ㄒ一ㄝˋ) ⒈ 液体或气体排出:排泄。泄洪。泄泻。 ⒉...
基本解释 基本字义 械 xiè(ㄒ一ㄝˋ) ⒈ 器物,家伙:器械。机械。 ⒉ 武器:械...
基本解释 基本字义 屑 xiè(ㄒ一ㄝˋ) ⒈ 碎末:屑子。纸屑。 ⒉ 琐碎:屑屑。琐...
基本解释 基本字义 卸 xiè(ㄒ一ㄝˋ) ⒈ 把东西去掉或拿下来:卸车。卸装(演员...
基本解释 基本字义 懈 xiè(ㄒ一ㄝˋ) ⒈ 不紧张:懈怠。懈劲。懈气。松懈。无懈...