基本解释 基本字义 湚 yìn(一ㄣˋ) ⒈ 水名。 统一码 湚字UNICODE编码U+6E5A,10进制...
基本解释 基本字义 廕 yìn(一ㄣˋ) ⒈ 同“荫”。 English shade; protect, shade, cover ...
基本解释 基本字义 酳 yìn(一ㄣˋ) ⒈ 吃东西后用酒漱口。 ⒉ 古同“”,少饮。...
基本解释 基本字义 慭(憖) yìn(一ㄣˋ) ⒈ 宁愿。 ⒉ 损伤,残缺。 ⒊ 忧愁...
基本解释 基本字义 癊 yìn(一ㄣˋ) ⒈ 心病。 ⒉ 古通“印”,痕迹:“凡自缢者...
基本解释 基本字义 憖 yìn(一ㄣˋ) ⒈ 愿意;宁肯。 ⒉ 损伤;残缺。 ⒊ 忧伤。...
基本解释 基本字义 憗 yìn(一ㄣˋ) ⒈ 古同“慭”。 异体字 憖 ...
基本解释 基本字义 鮣 yìn(一ㄣˋ) ⒈ 〔鮣鱼〕体长,呈圆筒形。口大,鳞细,头...
基本解释 基本字义 懚 yìn(一ㄣˋ) ⒈ 〔懚懚〕烦闷。 统一码 懚字UNICODE编码U+61...
基本解释 English green colored melons ...
基本解释 English (same as 垽) sediment; dregs; precipitate; lees ...
基本解释 English (same as 胤)the succession in a family; posterity; heirs, to inherit; to follow after ...
基本解释 English to shout in rage; angry shouts, angry speech, to cry continuously, to groan; to moan ...
基本解释 English (simplified form of U+9BA3) a kind of fish, live in the ocean, dark brown color with two ...
基本解释 English (corrupted form) name of a carriage ...
基本解释 English to beat; to pound; to ram down, to attack ...
基本解释 English (same as 蔭) the shade of a tree, to cover up; to cover or screen ...
基本解释 English drunken sound, drunk, to ferment; food made through the way of fermentation ...