基本解释 English (same as 晛) sunshine; light; bright, warm; genial (weather), very hot ...
基本解释 English to dislike; to reject; to hate, a house; a building ...
基本解释 English metal wire ...
基本解释 English corresponding; equivalent, appropriate, to compare the length of two articles ...
基本解释 English (a second name for U+9C64) a kind of fish ...
基本解释 English (non-classical form of VEA40F8) electric light; a flash of lightning, wedge, preface fore...
基本解释 English dried bamboo ...
基本解释 English electric light; a flash of lightning, wedge, preface foreword ...
基本解释 English to gnash the teeth (in anger) ...
基本解释 English (same as 霰) sleet ...