基本解释 English a blustering gale; violent storm ...
基本解释 English name of a horse, horses in an ordered line; to travel quickly; to move fast; to hasten, t...
基本解释 English (same as 剆) to cut open, to strike against; to clash together ...
基本解释 English (ancient form of 鬲) a large earthen pot, a large iron cauldron ...
基本解释 English a kind of jade ...
基本解释 English (abbreviated form of 礫) small stones; pebble; gravel; shingle ...
基本解释 English coarse rice -- unhulled, (interchangeable 糲) coarse -- of grain ...
基本解释 English to curse, to swear and oath, incantations ...
基本解释 English a kind of beast ...
基本解释 English to die from disease ...
基本解释 English (same as 儷)a pair; a couple, luxuriant; lush; exuberant ...
基本解释 English pretty eyes, to have a casual and short glance ...
基本解释 English color of the horse ...
基本解释 English (same as 皪) small stones, gravel, shingle ...
基本解释 English the sound of chewing something dry and hard, sound of gnaw or bite ...
基本解释 English a fierce goat, a castrated ram ...
基本解释 English (corrupted form of 蠣) oyster ...
基本解释 基本字义 䟐 lì(ㄌ一ˋ) ⒈ [䟐趱]行走貌。盗行。 English to walk, agile; ad...
基本解释 English to jump; to leap; to bounce; to spring, to run over; to oppress ...
基本解释 English (same as 鬲) cooking utensil used in old times, sacrificial vessel; a heavy three-legged...
基本解释 English a kind of bird ...
基本解释 English to search out; to examine into, (Cant.) to give an angry glances at somebody ...
基本解释 English gourd used as a ladle or dipper ...
基本解释 English dregs; lees of cheese, cheese ...