基本解释 English name of a variety of grass ...
基本解释 基本字义 㡭 jì(ㄐ一ˋ) ⒈ 同“繼”。 English (standard, ancient form of U+7E7...
基本解释 English to bind, to exhaust; to use up; to complete; to finish, to slay ...
基本解释 English a kind of cattle; a cattle of short statured ...
基本解释 English a dark colored birth-mark ...
基本解释 基本字义 䨖 jì(ㄐ一ˋ) ⒈ 同“霽”。 English (non-classical form of 霽) to s...
基本解释 English a kind of tool; instrument; apparatus; implement ...
基本解释 基本字义 䗁 jì(ㄐ一ˋ) ⒈ 蟬名。 其他字义 䗁 qī(ㄑ一) ⒈ 長腳蜘...
基本解释 English (same as 畿)the royal domains set apart in ancient times for the emperor ...
基本解释 基本字义 㠖 yǐ(一ˇ) ⒈ [嶮㠖]高峻貌。 ⒉ 山名。 ⒊ 同“嶬”。 ...
基本解释 English feet; (same as U+47F8 䟸) the calf; muscles; tissue of the part of leg between the knee ...
基本解释 English ramie; linen sackcloth, to twist and join (cords); to continue, to order the arrest of; t...
基本解释 English a small boat connected to the back of a big boat; used to load the passengers, cargo or g...
基本解释 English (same as 齌) a raging fire ...
基本解释 English a dose, prepared medicines or drugs, to prepare (medicines and drugs) ...
基本解释 English luxuriant of the grass; the grass growing densely, horses traveling in line order and swi...
基本解释 English sparse hair on a knot on the top of the head, hair dressed without ornaments ...
基本解释 English to gnaw; to bite, well-arranged teeth ...