基本解释 English jewelry; ornaments; trinkets (for the forehead of a woman) ...
基本解释 基本字义 馘 guó(ㄍㄨㄛˊ) ⒈ 古代战争中割取敌人的左耳以计数献功:...
基本解释 基本字义 馗 kuí(ㄎㄨㄟˊ) ⒈ 同“逵”。 English cheekbone; path, road; inter...
基本解释 English (interchangeable 稽) to kowtow; to bow to the ground ...
基本解释 English (same as VEA4B6B) (interchangeable 稽) to kowtow; to bow to the ground ...
基本解释 基本字义 首 shǒu(ㄕㄡˇ) ⒈ 头,脑袋:首饰。首级。首肯(点头表示同...
基本解释 English the eldest son, to give birth to the first child ...