- 拼音:jiàn guāng sǐ
- 注音:ㄐㄧㄢˋ ㄍㄨㄤ ㄙˇ
- 繁体:见光死
辞典解释见光死jiàn guāng sǐ 比喻事情一经揭露,弱点尽现,毫无转机。 如:「这事见光死,大家一定要保密。」英语 (lit.) to wither in the light of day, (fig.) the bubble bursts as the reality becomes apparent (esp. of a much-anticipated first meeting with sb), (of stocks) just as the favorable news is officially published, the stock price falls德语 Reinfall, Illusionen zerstören (wenn sich 2 Menschen online kennengerlernt haben und sich das erste Mal treffen)
见光死jiàn guāng sǐㄐㄧㄢˋ ㄍㄨㄤ ㄙˇ比喻事情一经揭露,弱点尽现,毫无转机。
英语 (lit.) to wither in the light of day, (fig.) the bubble bursts as the reality becomes apparent (esp. of a much-anticipated first meeting with sb), (of stocks) just as the favorable news is officially published, the stock price falls
德语 Reinfall, Illusionen zerstören (wenn sich 2 Menschen online kennengerlernt haben und sich das erste Mal treffen)
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